10 Years of Tea and Community

Over the incredible journey of the past decade, each passing year has been a tapestry woven with new experiences, surprises, and most importantly, you—our cherished tea enthusiasts. We find ourselves reflecting on the highlights, moments that never cease to amaze and reaffirm why we do what we do.
In the vibrant history of Piper and Leaf, there have been instances when discouragement loomed, and questions arose about whether we were on the right path. Yet, without fail, our steadfast tea community, you, our most loyal tea drinkers, emerged as a beacon of support, reminding us of the profound connection we share.
Moments that Made Us
One unforgettable moment, during the early days at Madison Street Festival, stands out vividly. A 200-foot line formed with no sign of slowing down. Although we had run out of tea and had to brew more, the incredible surprise was that the line not only endured but transformed into a communal experience. As our team brewed, the line engaged, even helping us grommet lids for our jars—an extraordinary testament to the exceptional community we are fortunate to have.
The opening of each shop brought a wave of emotions, from gratitude at Lowe Mill to the deep-rooted connection with Constitution Village. Our ties with Constitution Village go beyond providing tea; it is a place where relationships were cultivated from childhood, creating a unique bond that has flourished.
Then came 2020, a challenging year for everyone. Uncertainty gripped us, but you, our remarkable community, showed up in full force, embracing us with a massive online response. Amidst the turbulence, a need for more space emerged, leading us to a charming old fabrication company in Lacey's Spring. What started as a vision became a reality, and we witnessed a community blooming like no other—a space for singing, dancing, and merriment.
Piper and Leaf has always been special, fostering not just a love for outstanding tea but a community that thrives on shared moments. We've been matchmakers for many marriages, including the heartwarming story of Mary Claire and Micah.
Tea and Celebration
As we celebrate a decade of tea and community, we could not think of a better way to pay tribute than an anniversary blend, Blueberry Jubilee, a delightful green tea infused with fresh blueberries. This blend pays homage to our original creation, 'Madam Blueberry,' with a nod to our journey of growth and resilience. Benny and Jubilee, our youngest members of the Piper and Leaf family, helped inspire the name, creating a happy coincidence in our celebration.

Thank you for an extraordinary 10 years filled with exceptional tea and the warmth of community. Your love and dedication have been our guiding light, and we are forever grateful for the privilege of sharing this journey with you.