Stories Behind the Blend: Velvet Bliss
February, the month renowned for its delightful pairing of chocolate and strawberries, truly embodies the essence of indulgence. Can you think of a more perfect combination? Indeed, it's a match made in heaven!

As for believing in happy accidents, well, let me share a tale from the history of Piper and Leaf. Velvet Bliss was a mishap that led to the creation of one of our most loved seasonals. It all began amidst the hustle and bustle of blending a batch of Lemon Berry Blush. Through some mysterious twist of fate (or perhaps a playful sprinkle of fate's whimsy), a bit of cacao found its way into the mix – don't ask us how!

To our astonishment, the accidental blend showed remarkable potential! Granted, it needed a fair bit of refinement and a dash of experimentation. That first batch, though modest in size, had a charm all its own. Despite its quirks, it captured the hearts (and taste buds) of our patrons. Encouraged by their enthusiasm, we set out to refine the accidental blend the blend.
Tea and Gratitude
Each year, as Velvet Bliss graces our collection, we fondly remember its humble beginnings and reflect on quite fortuitous accident.
In the world of tea blending, sometimes the most delightful flavors emerge from the unlikeliest of combinations. So, here's to happy accidents, chocolate-dipped strawberries, and the enduring spirit of creativity!