Stories Behind the Blend: Front Porch Special

Stories Behind the Blend: Front Porch Special

Take a moment, close your eyes, and imagine this: the sun setting on a warm, golden evening, laughter dancing in the air as you're surrounded by your favorite people. Now, add a sprinkle of magic to that moment with Front Porch Special – our little twist on a timeless classic. It's not just tea; it's the secret ingredient that turns your ordinary evenings into extraordinary memories because here at Piper and Leaf, we're all about crafting joy in a cup. 

Classic Beginnings

Let's take a trip down memory lane to the summer of 2013, where it all started. From the very start, Front Porch Special has been the heartbeat of our tea-loving family, basically an honorary member at this point! We had another contender for our Classic blend, a bit of a crowd-pleaser, but deep down, we felt it was missing the classic tea pizzazz. So, we decided to get a little whimsical, and into the mix went Earl Grey, spearmint, and a dash of jasmine – and just like that, pure joy in a teacup! 

Now, what's the secret behind its irresistible charm? Well, besides being the rockstar of our blends (outselling everything twice over!), it's the dream team combo of local spearmint, classic Earl Grey with a dash of bergamot, and delicate floral notes from jasmine. Picture this: Assam waltzing in with its rich, malty depth, Ceylon joining the party with a burst of refreshing clarity, and the grand finale? Spearmint steps onto the stage, adding that invigorating crispness that ties the entire blend into a delightful symphony of flavors. Front Porch Special is a celebration in a cup, and everyone's invited!

Our go-to way to revel in Front Porch Special is sweet and over ice, but here's a delightful secret – try it hot! The jasmine takes center stage, the spearmint gets a touch earthy, and a hint of sweetness and milk? Pure enchantment. Whether you prefer it steaming hot or over a cascade of ice cubes, it's a cup overflowing with sheer happiness. 

Health Benefits

Front Porch Special isn't just a tasty treat—it's a sip of goodness for your heart, soul, and body. The delightful combination of mint and jasmine isn't just about flavor; it's a wellness infusion. Dive into our Piper Mint Blues blog to uncover the multitude of health benefits mint brings to the table. Mint, with its refreshing twist, not only tantalizes your taste buds but also supports your overall well-being.

And let's not forget about jasmine! This fragrant addition doesn't just add to the aroma; it brings a sense of calm, heightened alertness, and even helps in reducing inflammation. There's more to your cup of Front Porch Special than meets the eye. Read more about why you should make Front Porch Special a daily staple.

Steeping Tradition

At Piper and Leaf, we're smitten with traditions, and let me tell you, Front Porch Special has woven itself into the very fabric of our hearts. Whether you're cozying up with sweet memories or out there crafting brand-new ones, let Front Porch Special be your trusty sidekick for all those unforgettable moments. It's not just a drink; it's a memory in the making. So go ahead, invite Front Porch Special to your family gatherings – because every extraordinary moment deserves a sip of something special!

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